Beekeeper Group Apps

NRECA Advocacy 9.5
The NRECA advocacy application provides supporters with tools andinformation to successfully lobby members of Congress and educatethe public about the issues surrounding rural electricalcooperatives. The application enables members to take action from asmartphone, giving them: - Built-in social media sharing, directlywithin the app - Timely talking points - Built-in Take ActionCenter - Access to advocacy videos - A scheduler that allows theuser to add events to their personal calendar - An interactiveCongressional Directory - A map of Washington D.C.’s Capitol Hill -Up-to-date live updates from the NRECA Twitter feed - An integratedfeedback form
Franchise Action Network 14.2
IFA Franchising Votes is an application used by the InternationalFranchise Association to give franchise business leaders the toolsthey need to protect, enhance and promote franchising on CapitolHill, their home state and legislative district. This app willallow you to review organizational talking points, reviewinformation on Representatives and Senators from official sites andWikipedia watch videos specifically related to the event, viewmeeting schedules and promote congressional meetings by postingupdates, photos and videos to social networks, including Facebook,Twitter, and Foursquare.
@ALTAonline 1.1
@ALTAonline provides members with all of theresources needed for ALTA meetings including personalized eventschedules, local maps, and up-to the minute updates on the eventsessions. With this application users will be able to update theircolleagues, friends and family about their activities throughintegrated social media sharing.The application features the following tools:- General conference schedules- Personalized delegation schedules- Live conference information-Individual session information- Attendees and exhibition information- Built-in Take Action center- Online feedback forms- Local maps- Integrated advocacy videos- Up-to-date live updates from the ALTA Twitter feed- Integrated social media sharing
Transportation Construction 3.0
The Trans Con Advocate (TransportationConstruction Advocate) application provides supporters with toolsand information to educate and inform others on the benefits oftransportation construction.The application enables members to take action from asmartphone, giving them:- Timely talking points- Built-in Take Action Center- Access to advocacy videos- An interactive Congressional Directory- A map of Washington D.C.’s Capitol Hill- Transportation facts for all 50 states and the District ofColumbia- Access to InfostructureTM information
RFA Advocacy 5.0
“RFA Advocacy” by the Renewable FuelsAssociation is a mobile application that gives its users the toolsand information necessary to successfully promote federal, stateand local government policies, programs and initiatives thatencourage expanded ethanol use. The application will provide actionoriented features such as up-to-the-minute updates, informativecharts, Congressional directories, social media sharing, andinfographics.Key features include:- Talking points to strengthen important messages- A series of charts depicting fuel data- A series of videos related to expanded ethanol use- Live news feed on relevant topics- Built-in Take Action center- Built-in directory of Congressional offices- Integrated social media sharing with Facebook, Twitter, andFoursquare- Infographics section- Links to the E-Xchange blog
Radiology Advocacy Network 4.2
ACR’s Radiology Advocacy Network application gives its users thetools and information needed to successfully engage in lobbyingCongress and engage supporters and advocates in a grassrootsmovement. The application enables users to interact from asmartphone, providing access to: • Integrated Social Media •Interactive Congressional Directory • Hill Day Appointment listing• Issues and Talking Points
Vinyl Industry Resources 3.0
The Vinyl Industry Resources applicationprovides users with tools and up-to-date information needed toeducate and inform customers about vinyl, as well as the ability toinform Congress about issues important to the vinyl industry.Key features include:• Resources section that includes: fact sheets, technical papersand info that can be easily shared• Vinyl Industry Events schedule with links to registrationsites• Integrated social media and multi-media sharingcapabilities• Vinyl Association Directory with contact information• Congressional Directory with industry-specific facts associatedwith members in districts with facilities• Legislative Issue Briefs with industry-specific talking pointsper issue• Built-in take action center for voicing your support onlegislation before Congress
ALZ Advocacy 4.0
The ALZ Advocacy application provides Alzheimer's Association andAlzheimer’s Impact Movement advocates the tools and informationthey need to urge elected officials to make Alzheimer's disease anational priority. The application provides: - Timely talkingpoints - Social media engagement tools - Legislative meetingfeedback form - Access to advocacy videos - A U.S. House and Senatedirectory and more.
GCE-US Advocacy 1.0
The GCE-US Advocacy and Action applicationgives its users the tools and information needed to help ensureuniversal quality education around the world. The applicationprovides up-to-date information and tools.Key features include:• Key Facts and Talking Points• Congressional Directory• Videos• Integrated social media
NECA Advocacy 7.1
NECA Advocacy is a cutting-edge advocacy tool that provides NECAcontractors with the necessary tools and information needed to helpthem “Take Action” and be engaged in NECA's advocacy efforts. NECAAdvocacy will give you direct access to your Senators andRepresentatives in Congress so you can educate and inform themabout legislative and regulatory issues important to the electricalconstruction industry. You will be able to stay on top of theissues affecting your business, respond quickly to NECA ActionAlerts, review NECA’s Legislative Scorecard to see how your Membersof Congress vote, and have access to all materials needed to have asuccessful meeting with your representatives in Congress. NECAAdvocacy offers you the following tools you can utilize from yoursmartphone: • Talking points for members to keep updated on theissues • A full Congressional Directory • NECA’s LegislativeScorecard to see how your Member of Congress votes on NECA priorityissues • A schedule of all events for NECA’s Legislative Conferencein addition to your individual schedule • A list of all eventspeakers and their biographies for NECA’s Legislative Conference •Live-sharing of multimedia on social media networks • Live Twitterupdates • Access to NECA Advocacy videos • Access to ECPAC’s PriorAuthorization Materials • The ability to submit survey informationfrom your device
Girl Up Advocacy 5.0
The Girl Up Advocacy application is a toolthat empowers young leaders and other advocates to effectivelyinform members of Congress about the needs of adolescent girls indeveloping countries.The app allows you to take action directly from your phone, givingyou access to:- Timely talking points- Built-in Take Action center- Informational videos- Easy sharing on social media- Live Twitter updates and news- Built-in Tweet @ Congress tool- An interactive Congressional directory- Up-to-date resources- Customized schedules for the Girl Up lobby dayStart making a difference today!Girl Up is a campaign of the United Nations Foundation thatmobilizes American girls to raise funds and awareness for UNprograms that provide life-changing opportunities—giving them thechance to go to school, see a doctor and stay safe fromviolence.
AAO Advocacy 4.0.2
Our advocacy app gives you the tools needed to advocate forophthalmology.
ACS CAN Advocacy 1.1
ACS CAN’s app gives users innovative toolstocommunicate with their lawmakers and to engage their familyinfriends in the fight against cancer. This app will help ACSCANbuild our nationwide grassroots movement through this easy,fun,and interactive tool!The application enables users to interact from asmartphone,providing access to:· Integrated Social Media· Interactive Congressional Directory· Share photos, videos and messages with friends· View ACS CAN videos
NCGA Action 6.1
The NCGA Action application providessupporters with tools and information to educate and inform othersabout corn.The application enables users to take action from a smartphone,providing access to:• A schedule of upcoming events• A list of important and industry-specific talking points• Built in Take Action Center for voicing your support on importantlegislation before the U.S. Congress• Live-sharing of multimedia on social media networks• Live Twitter updates• A variety of NCGA-produced advocacy videos• A Congressional Directory• An interactive map of Capitol Hill
CUNA Advocacy 11.2
The CUNA Advocacy application providesadvocates with tools and information to better educate Congress onissues of importance to credit unions.The application enables members to take action from a smartphone,giving them:- Downloadable event schedule- Timely talking points- Live updates and social media tools- Built-in Take Action Center- Access to advocacy videos- An interactive Congressional Directory
AHCA Care 8.1
AHCA Care allows its users to successfully advocate members ofCongress with real-time information on health care industry issues.Through the application AHCA members will be able to take onlineactions that will supplement their lobbying efforts and updatetheir colleagues, friends and family about their activities throughintegrated social media sharing. The application features thefollowing tools: - Built-in Take Action Center - Talking points forAHCA issues -Built-in social media sharing, directly within the app- Access to event maps - A scheduler that allows the user to addevents to their personal calendar - An interactive CongressionalDirectory - Up-to-date economic information on the health careindustry by state - An integrated feedback form
Experience all FASEB has to offer right atyourfingertips! This application will provide users withup-to-dateinformation on the issues important to and affectingbiomedicalresearchers. Connect with the life sciences communityand make yourvoice heard. FASEB mobile app features include:· Policy statements and news effecting the life sciences· Advocacy tools· Upcoming events and Science Research Conferences· Resources and publications including The FASEB JournalandBreakthroughs in Bioscience· Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) opportunities· FASEB Member Directory· FASEB’s Life Science Job Center
The Advocacy Conference
The Public Affairs Council’s The AdvocacyConference (Advocacy17) application provides event attendees withtools and information to educate and inform themselves about themulti-day event held in Key West, Florida from January 31 –February 2, 2017.The application enables users to interact from a smartphone,providing access to:• A schedule of all events, broken down by track• A list of all event speakers and their presentations, wherepossible• A list of all event attendees broken down alphabetically and byindustry• Live-sharing of multimedia on social media networks• Live Twitter updates• A list of all sponsors and exhibitors with contactinformation• A list of frequently asked questions• Surveys to provide feedback about the conference and report ontrends in the advocacy field
American Boating Congress 2.3.1
The American Boating Congress Legislative Conference applicationprovides advocates with the tools and information to successfullycommunicate their issues with members of Congress and their staff.The application enables members to take action from a smartphone,giving them: - Timely talking points - A calendar integrated eventschedule - Built-in Take Action Center - A map of Washington D.C.’sCapitol Hill - Built-In feedback reporting - Built in directory ofCongressional offices - Live organizational updates - Integratedsocial media sharing
NBWA Advocacy 3.4
The NBWA Advocacy application gives its users the tools andinformation necessary to successfully lobby Congress on issues ofimportance to independent beer distributors. The application willprovide up-to-the minute updates on events, the latest state-levelindustry data and relevant talking points. Key features include: -A calendar integrated event schedule - Communication materials formeetings with legislators - A survey form to provide meetingfeedback - Built-in directory of congressional offices -State-level economic data about the beer distribution industry - Aseries of videos on the beer distribution industry and the historyof beer regulation - Live organizational updates - Integratedsocial media sharing and live Twitter updates - Integrated accessto the Daily Brew e-newsletter
DC By the Book Tours 2.2.1
DC By the Book Tours is a new way forvisitorsand residents of Washington, D.C. to explore the richnessofnon-Federal civic life in Washington and its character as acity,as brought to life by fiction.The app provides users with the ability to walk, bike ordrivethrough Washington, D.C. along a route of sites that havebeendepicted in fiction. Each tour is accompanied by a map foreasynavigation. Some stops along each tour also include photographsoraudio to enhance the user’s experience.The tours highlight passages from the largely undiscovered richbodyof literature set in D.C. that illuminate its social andgeographichistory.DC By the Book is a collaborative effort betweenlibrarians,experts in local fiction, local history organizations,and anyonewho comes to the site. The project is supported by theInstitute ofMuseum and Library Studies’ Library Services andTechnology Actgrant program. The project is based in DC PublicLibrary’sWashingtoniana Special Collection and curated by itsstaff. The DCBy the Book website and app were designed and built byBeekeeperGroup.The DC By the Book project team is Tony Ross and KimZablud(Co-Directors); Beekeeper Group (Technology Partner);CulturalTourism DC, Historical Society of Washington DC, HumanitiesCouncilof Washington DC, George Washington University SpecialCollections(Local History Partners); and anyone and everyone whosubmitscontent and helps map books at
Business 4 Readiness 4.0
“Business4Readiness” is a resource forbusinessleaders to educate themselves, policymakers, and thepublic aboutthe Common Core State Standards initiative and how itsupportsstudent college- and career-readiness as well as nationaleconomicgrowth. It was developed by the Committee forEconomicDevelopment of The Conference Board (CED), State FarmInsuranceCompanies and the Business Roundtable (BRT).This app allows its users to: - Explore the Common Core State Standards, learn why theyareimportant, and understand how they were created - Address concerns surrounding the Common Core- Watch videos related to the Common Core StateStandards- Read how states are implementing the standards - Learn about assessments and testing as part of acomprehensivesystem of education- Find information on State legislators, Governors, andChiefState School Officers - Discover statements of support from businessleaders,educators, state elected officials, and others - Access additional resources about the Common CoreStateStandards
ALN Mobile 3.1
The Advocacy Leaders Network mobileapplication provides ALN event attendees with a myriad ofinformation about the event series at their fingertips.The application enables users to interact with ALN from asmartphone, providing access to:• A schedule of upcoming ALN events• A live feed of ALN’s Twitter posts• Live-sharing of multimedia on social media networks• A list of event speakers, bios, and links to their social mediaprofiles• A variety of ALN videos• Access to the ALN blog• Information about ALN, the event series, past events, and eventsponsors• ALN event registration• ALN participant evaluation forms• Push notifications, to alert users when the next event’s ticketsgo on sale
GE Action 3.0
The GE Action application providessupporterswith tools and information to educate and inform otherson thebenefits of ethanol.The application enables users to take action from asmartphone,providing access to:• A schedule of upcoming events• Talking points• Built in Take-Action Center• Live-sharing on social media• Live Twitter updates and news• Advocacy Videos• A Congressional Directory• A map of Capitol Hill
NABPAC Now 2.4
The NABPAC Now app is designed to help PAC and political affairsprofessionals stay current on educational programming andnetworking opportunities throughout the year. The app has aschedule for keeping track of events, links to strategic PACresources, important FAQs, links to social media, and presentationsfrom PACRap luncheons, peer-to-peer roundtables and our annualconference.
Blue Advocacy 5.0
The BlueAdvocacy applicationprovidessupporters with tools and information to educate and informotherson upcoming changes to healthcare insurance, the AffordableCareAct, Medicare, state healthcare exchanges and otherhealthinsurance issues.The application enables users to take action from asmartphone,providing access to:• Information about Blue Cross Blue Shield• ‘Emerging Issue’ updates• ‘2014 Changes in Healthcare’ news and information• Recent news and an events calendar• Live Twitter updates and news• A resources section to learn more about healthcare changes• The ability to share important news snippets on FacebookandTwitter
FinTech Ideas Festival 1.0
The FinTech Ideas Festival is making bigthingshappen by bringing together the world’s leaders of thefinancialservices and technology communities in January of 2017 tolook atFUTURE ideas and challenges as the planet grows moreconnected, moretechnologically advanced and financially empowered.The official FIFapp offers a glimpse into the program held in SanFrancisco,California by bringing you exclusive content, speakerinformation,social media, video and news from the event.
The AAOMS Day on the Hill application provides advocates from theAmerican Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons with toolsto educate federal officials about issues affecting the specialty.The application empowers activists with tools such as: - Aninteractive legislative directory - Built-in email and phone actionalert tool - Timely talking points - Social engagement tools
NAA Advocacy 1.2
The National Apartment Association Advocacy365 application providesadvocates with tools to engage and influence elected officials onCapitol Hill and at home in their legislative districts on issuesaffecting the apartment housing industry. The application empowersactivists with tools such as: - An interactive legislativedirectory - Built-in action alert tool - Timely talking points -Social engagement tools
NWCAA Burn Bans 1.1
Find air quality burn ban status meant to protect people'shealthfrom smoke from woodstoves and other heating devices inNWWashington's Island, Skagit and Whatcom counties.
EU Advocacy 1.0
Beekeeper Group's EU Advocacy app is an innovative tool that canbeused by organizations to give their advocates the tools theyneedto be informed, engaged, and empowered on issues that mattertothem within the European Union. Features include: · ScheduleofUpcoming Events · Talking Points to Keep Advocates on Message·European Parliament Directory · Feedback Forms to CaptureLobbyMeeting Notes · Video Gallery · Social Media Integration ·PushNotifications
NPGAction 1.2.1
An advocacy tool by the National Propane Gas Association, whichisthe national trade association representing the U.S.propaneindustry. Members include small businesses and largecorporationsengaged in the retail marketing of propane gas, vehiclefuel, andappliances; producers and wholesalers of propaneequipment;manufacturers and distributors; and transporters. With amembershipof 2,800 companies in all 50 states, 38 affiliated stateandregional associations, and members in 19 foreign countries,NPGArepresents every segment of the propane industry.
APTA Action 9.3
The APTA Action application provides supporters with toolsandinformation to educate and inform members of Congress,healthcareproviders and consumers about the physical therapyprofession. Theapplication enables users to take action from asmartphone,providing access to: • A schedule of upcomingCongressional andAPTA events • A list of important talking pointsfor federallegislative issues • Built-in Take Action Center forvoicing yoursupport on important legislation before the U.S.Congress •Live-sharing of multimedia on social media networks •Live Twitterupdates • A variety of advocacy videos • ACongressional Directory• The ability to make PAC donations fromyour mobile device
FMI Advocacy 1.4
The FMI Advocacy app provides important advocacy tools for the foodindustry.
ABAdvocacy 9.4
The ABA Advocacy app gives users the tools to advocate on industryissues.
Euroheat & Power 1.0
Euroheat & Power is an application used by theinternationalnetwork for district energy to provide its members andinterestedstakeholders with up-to-date knowledge and tools on keyEU advocacytopics, industry updates as well as research andinnovationopportunities. This app offers you: -The latest newsandpublications on district heating and cooling from theassociation,industry actors, policy-makers and research projects-An updatedoverview of current key topics in EU energy policylandscape -Thecalendar of events and association meetings -Thechance to takeaction and provide feedback on the latestopportunities provided bythe association -Access to the EuropeanParliament directory aswell as the Euroheat & Power membershipdirectory -Live socialmedia updates & sharing